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Communicate with Warmth

Here are a great tips for communicating face to face –

Smile: be positive and warm. Do not be fake

Lean in: show interest in the other person

Be open: do not have your arms folded across your chest or tummy, keep them by your sides.

Eye contact: look people in the eye, do not down at the ground or around the room.

Take notes: by writing things down you assure the other person that what they are saying matter to you

Here are also a few things to avoid –

Avoid checking your watch or your phone: Be present, it can wait

Touching your face or head repeatedly: these are a sign of dishonesty

Picking at something: this could convey boredom

Tapping fingers, hands, or feet: doing this can indicate stress or boredom

Remember – what we say can be said with more than just words!